Maps and availability

Before reserving or arriving at the airport, check the map of the car parks: you will be able to find the car park that best suits your needs

Useful Info

Payments at:

  • automatic payment machines with cash or credit card
  • columns at the exit of the car park with credit card
  • cashier's desk with cash, debit or credit card

PRM Call Spot


Download the Marco Polo Park Parking Regulations ("Regolamento")

Venice and Treviso Airports Car Parks
Tel +39 041 260 3052 
For information:
For suggestions and feedback fill out the form

Parking spaces availability
Updated at 14:57:38
1347 Car parks available
  • 519 P1 Multi-Storey
    • 9 -->2nd Floor
    • 77 -->1st Floor
    • 16 -->Ground Floor
    • 417 -->Underground
  • 232 P2 Long Stay
  • 112 P3 Long Stay
  • 145 P4 Long Stay
  • 54 P6 Long Stay
  • 19 Speedy Park
  • 62 Milione
  • 264 Short Stay
  • 21 Park BUS
Mappa parcheggi aeroporto Marco Polo Venezia
Up to 50& rates off
Modifications and Cancellations

Users can cancel/modify the reservation (included car plate number) up to 4 hours before the date of access into the Parking Facility, by using "Manage Booking" section. Please note that:

Please note: A booking modification is managed by the total refund of the amount paid for the modified booking and subsequent total purchase of the new booking, subject to car parks availability and fares at that time. Refund will be paid within the following 7 days.